A day long celebration of the arrival of summer, with dancing, dressing up, discourse and delight.
The Lore and Land III exhibition will be open all day in the Field System gallery, plus you’ll be able to experience Libby Bove’s Museum of Roadside Magic nearby.
Dartmoor spinner of stories, Lisa Schneidau hosts artists Libby Bove, Gemma Dunnell, Abigail Tinnion, Asha Umberio and George Radford to talk about all things lore and land, after which you can catch Dartmoor Calling, the film about the folk who saved Dartmoor. Made by the Clapham Film Unit and Dartmoor Preservation Association, this film’s first screening at Field System sold out in one day!
Of course, there will be morris dancing with THREE sides joining us -Grimspound Morris, Molly No Mates and MAYDAY Morris. Plus we’ll have workshops with both the Mollies and the MAYDAYS.
In the evening, the revels continue with the masters of broken folk, the Lunatraktors.
Specific venues, times and tickets to be announced soon (so if you haven’t already, sign up to our mailing list here). Be ready to celebrate the start of summer and SAVE THE DATE!