
Field System is managed and curated by Milly Brown and Mark Jessett. The gallery is not available to rent. We welcome contact from artists, but please note that following our August Open Call, we are not taking submissions at present. Please follow us on Instagram @field.system to find out when future opportunities arise.

We ask that artists ensure their work aligns with our ethos and fits well with our programme before making an application. We’re excited to meet new artists, but we don’t enjoy having to disappoint anyone.

Our Ethos

Field System is named after a historic, topographic feature that patterns the landscapes and maps of Dartmoor. This relic of early land use speaks of people in the landscape; of being invested in our surroundings; of ingenuity, community and folk. We feel it evokes discourse on freedom, equality, access and fairness - things that are important to us.

Our preference for work in the gallery is that it reflects the influence of folk traditions or creations of new ones, either overtly or obliquely, and this will usually (but not exclusively) guide our programme.

We are determined that our activities will encourage conversation and connection in the local community and inspire new creatives from all walks of life, particularly those who are marginalised and with less privilege.

We will work sustainably as a commercial gallery that acknowledges and supports the makers and artists we work with and those who want to embrace and own the art that we show.

Mark and Milly